bds Command line options

Running the bds command without any arguments shows a help message

$ bds
Usage: bds [options] file.bds

Available options:
  [-c | -config ] bds.config     : Config file. Default : /Users/pcingola/.bds/bds.config
  [-checkPidRegex]               : Check configuration's 'pidRegex' by matching stdin.
  [-d | -debug  ]                : Debug mode.
  -dryRun                        : Do not run any task, just show what would be run. Default: false
  [-extractSource]               : Extract source code files from checkpoint (only valid combined with '-info').
  [-i | -info   ] checkpoint.chp : Show state information in checkpoint file.
  [-l | -log    ]                : Log all tasks (do not delete tmp files). Default: false
  -noReport                      : Do not create any report.
  -noReportHtml                  : Do not create HTML report.
  -noRmOnExit                    : Do not remove files marked for deletion on exit (rmOnExit). Default: false
  [-q | -queue  ] queueName      : Set default queue name.
  -quiet                         : Do not show any messages or tasks outputs on STDOUT. Default: false
  -reportHtml                    : Create HTML report. Default: true
  -reportYaml                    : Create YAML report. Default: false
  [-r | -restore] checkpoint.chp : Restore state from checkpoint file.
  [-s | -system ] type           : Set system type.
  [-t | -test   ]                : Run user test cases (runs all test functions).
  [-v | -verbose]                : Be verbose.
  -version                       : Show version and exit.
  [-y | -retry  ] num            : Number of times to retry a failing tasks.
  -pid <file>                    : Write local processes PIDs to 'file'
Option short Option long Meaning
-c -config Path to bds.config file (most of the times no config file is needed)
-checkPidRegex Check configuration's 'pidRegex' by matching stdin.
-d -debug Debug mode, shows detailed information for debugging scripts or debugging bds itself.
-dryRun Do not run any task, just show what would be run. This mode is used when you just want to test your script's logic without executing any tasks.
-extractSource Extract source code files from checkpoint (only valid combined with '-info').
-i -info Show state information in checkpoint file. Prints variables, scopes, etc.
-l -log Log all tasks (do not delete tmp files).
-noReport Do not create any report.
-noReportHtml Do not create HTML report.
-noRmOnExit Do not remove files marked for deletion on exit (rmOnExit).
-q -queue Set default cluster's queue name.
-quiet Do not show any messages or tasks outputs on STDOUT. This means that only the output from print (and other print-like bds statements), statements will be shown on the console
-reportHtml Create HTML report. Create an HTML report (only if at least one task is executed). By default this option is activated.
-reportYaml Create YAML report. Create a YAML report (only if at least one task is executed).
-r -restore Restore from a a checkpoint and continue execution.
-s -system Define the 'system' type the script is running on (e.g. cluster type)
-t -test Perform all tests in a script (i.e. run all functions that are called "test")
-v -verbose Be verbose (show more information)
-version Show version number and exit.
-y -retry Number of times to retry a failing tasks.
-pid Write local processes PIDs to 'file'. Under normal circumstances, you should never use this command line option (unless you are debugging bds itself).