SnpSift Join
Join files by genomic regions (i.e. chr:start-end).
Files can be generic TXT (tab separated), VCF or BED.
Usage example:
Usage: java -jar SnpSift.jar join [options] file1 file2
Note: It is assumed that both files fit in memory.
-if1 <num> : Offset for file1 (e.g. 1 if coordinates are one-based. Default: 1
-if2 <num> : Offset for file2 (e.g. 2 if coordinates are one-based. Default: 1
-cols1 <colDef> : Column definition for file 1. Format: chrCol,startCol,endCol (e.g. '1,2,3').
Shortcuts 'bed' or 'vcf' are allowed. Default: 'vcf
-cols2 <colDef> : Column definition for file 2. Format: chrCol,startCol,endCol (e.g. '1,2,3').
Shortcuts 'bed' or 'vcf' are allowed. Default: 'vcf
-all : For each interval, show all intersecting.
Default: show only one (the largest intersection)
-closest : Show closest intervals in file2 if none intersect.
Default: off
-empty : Show intervals in file1 even if they do not intersect with any other interval.
Default: off
Example: Join two bed files, showing intersecting or closest intervals
java -Xmx2G -jar SnpSift.jar join -v -cols1 bed -cols2 bed -closest file1.bed file2.bed
Example: Join one bed file and another file having chr:start-end in columns 7,8 and 9 respectively. Showing intervals form file1 that do not intersect any interval from file2
java -Xmx2G -jar SnpSift.jar join -v -cols1 bed -cols2 7,8,9 -empty file.bed my_weird_file.txt