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SnpSift annotateMem Command Documentation

The annotateMem command is a, high-performance tool for annotating VCF files using pre-built “databases” such as dbSnp, ClinVar, GnomAD, Cosmic, and more. It is optimized to handle large VCF files—annotating over 1 million VCF lines per minute in many cases. This is achieved by converting database VCF files into memory-optimized dataframes indexed by chromosome and variant type.


The annotation process is divided into two steps:

  1. Create the Database:
  2. Purpose: Convert one or more VCF files (e.g., from ClinVar, dbSnp, Cosmic, etc.) into a database.
  3. Note: Although the database creation step can take a long time, it only needs to be performed once per database. Subsequent annotations will leverage the pre-built databases, making the overall process very efficient.

  4. Annotate VCF Files:

  5. Purpose: Annotate your input VCF file(s) by querying the databases created in step 1.
  6. Performance: During annotation, only the relevant dataframes for the current chromosome are loaded into memory, allowing for quick, in-memory searches for each VCF record.

How It Works

  • Database Creation:
    The INFO fields from the provided VCF file are extracted and stored in a memory-optimized dataframe. The dataframe is indexed by chromosome and variant type, which facilitates rapid lookups during the annotation step.

  • Annotation:
    During annotation, each VCF line is enriched with the fields from the corresponding database entries by performing a fast in-memory search of the pre-built dataframes.

Command Line Usage

Creating a Database

When creating a database, specify the -create option along with one or more -dbfile parameters and the corresponding -fields that you want to include in the database.

Create a database using ClinVar VCF, incorporating the INFO fields CLNSIG, CLNDN, and ID:

java -Xmx16G -jar SnpSift.jar \
    annmem \
    -create \
    -dbfile 'db/clinvar.2024-11-03.vcf' \
    -fields 'CLNSIG,CLNDN,ID'

When a database is created, it is stored in a dedicated directory named after the original VCF file, with the suffix .snpsift.vardb appended. For example, if your input VCF file is named clinvar.vcf, the resulting database will be saved in a directory called clinvar.vcf.snpsift.vardb.

Within this directory, the database is partitioned by chromosome. Each chromosome has its own file named following the pattern {chromosomeName}.snpsift.df. These files contain the serialized dataframes that store the selected INFO fields for that specific chromosome, enabling fast and efficient in-memory lookups during the annotation step.

Example: When creating a database for clinvar.2024-11-03.vcf, the following directory is created

# ls clinvar.2024-11-03.vcf.snpsift.vardb/

Annotating a VCF File

Once the database(s) have been created, use the annmem command to annotate your input VCF file. You can specify multiple databases to annotate the VCF simultaneously.

Annotate an input VCF file using multiple databases:

java -Xmx16G -jar SnpSift.jar \
   annmem \
   -dbfile 'db/clinvar.vcf.gz' \
   -dbfile 'db/dbSnp.151.vcf.gz' \
   -dbfile 'db/cosmic-v92.vcf.gz' \
   input.vcf \
   > input.ann.vcf

During this annotation step, the required dataframes are loaded into memory on a per-chromosome basis, ensuring efficient processing.

Note: If no fields parameter is used in the annotation command, all field in the database are used.

Note: If a variant from the input VCF file does not have an entry the database/s, then no INFO field is added.

Note: You can specify -addAnnotated to add the ANNOTATED flag to every VCF entry, so downstream processes know the VCF entry was annotated.

Command Options

Below is a summary of the available command options for annotateMem:

  • -addAnnotated
    When annotating, add an ANNOTATED flag to every INFO field, this is added even if there are no annotations from the database/s added (e.g. because the variant doesn't have an entry in the databases).

  • -create
    Create one or more databases from the provided VCF file(s) using specific INFO field(s).

  • -dbfile file.vcf
    Use the specified VCF file. This file is either used to create a database or to provide annotation data.

  • -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N
    Specify the comma-separated list of VCF INFO fields (without spaces) to use when creating or annotating.

  • -prefix prefix_db
    When annotating, prepend the given prefix to each annotated field name. This is useful when using multiple databases to avoid naming conflicts.

Usage summary

Create Databases

java -jar SnpSift.jar annmem \
  -create \
  -dbfile database_1.vcf -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N \
  -dbfile database_2.vcf -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N \
  ... \
  -dbfile database_N.vcf -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N

Annotate VCF File

java -jar SnpSift.jar annmem \
  [-addAnnotated] \
  -dbfile database_1.vcf -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N [-prefix prefix_db_1] \
  -dbfile database_2.vcf -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N [-prefix prefix_db_2] \
  ... \
  -dbfile database_N.vcf -fields field_1,field_2,...,field_N [-prefix prefix_db_N] \
  [input.vcf] > output.vcf


  • If input.vcf is not provided, annotateMem reads from standard input (STDIN).
  • VCF files can be compressed with Gzip or Bgzip (if so, the file name must have a .gz extension)


The SnpSift annotateMem command offers a fast and scalable solution for annotating large VCF files with data from multiple external databases. By leveraging memory-optimized dataframes and per-chromosome indexing, it delivers high annotation throughput—making it an essential tool for genomic variant analysis workflows.